Adobe Experience Manager, is a web Content Management system developed by Adobe Systems. Adobe can be used in multiple devices such as Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, Mobile, etc. It enables users to create, edit, manage and optimize websites. Adobe CQ5, a java based tool, is widely used by digital Marketers and E-commerce corporations.
Course Content
- Installing AEM - Access CRXDE Lite
- Project Structure in CRXDE Lite
- Component Creation
- Template Creation
- Dialog creation
- Xtype creations
- Widget creation
- Multifield widget
- Client library
- Digital assets management adding images audio PDF
- Uploading images in CRXDE
- Sidekick creation
- Parsys creation
- CQ include
- Sling Include
- Xtype text field pathfield drop down checkbox
- Workflows
- Replication
- Package creation
- Java Content Repository(JCR)
- Bundle creation in CQ
- Page creation
- Live copy
- Redirect page in CQ
- Map concept
- Sightly
- Design dialog creation
- Mandatory concept in widget
- Locale specific tagging.
- Rollout of countries
- Integration of Java with CQ
- Java connectivity with CQ
- Listeners in CQ
- Dispatcher
- JSTL tags use in components and dialog
- Angular JS usage in CQ
- Resource resolver
- SQL query builder
- Out of box components usage
MSBI is a powerful Business Intelligence tool which is widely used by enterprises across the board for quick decision-making, offering in-depth reporting and deriving meaningful insights. It is commonly used by software developers, ETL users and Data Analysts.
Course Content
- Introduction to SQL and Writing Queries
- SQL Basics
- SQL use
- SQL basic queries
- Tables
- SQL Aggregate Function:
- SQL Count function
- SQL Sum function
- SQL Avg function
- SQL Max function
- SQL Min function
- SQL Arithmetic Function
- abs()
- ceil()
- floor()
- exp()
- ln()
- mod()
- power()
- sqrt()
- SQL Character Function
- lower()
- upper()
- trim()
- translate()
- Other SQL Functions
- Working with SQL Operators
- SQL Joins
- SQL Inner Join
- SQL Left Join
- SQL Right Join
- SQL Full Join
- SQL Self Join
- Working with Multiple Tables
- Keys in SQL
- Indexes in SQL
- Data Modelling in SSMS
- Views and Types of Views in SQL
- Performance Tuning in SQL
- Slowly changing dimensions in SQL
- Normalization Techniques in SQL
- Ralph Kimball and Bill Inmon warehousing differences.
- Real time Scenarios test in query writing.
- Introduction to SSIS
- Components and Tasks in SSIS
- Transformation in SSIS
- Developing SSIS packages using multiple transformations
- Logging in SSIS
- Deploying SSIS solutions
- Introduction to SSRS
- Create data sources, reports in SSRS
- Know about Email delivery options in SSRS
- Know about functions in SSRS
DevOps enables organizations to transform onto smarter work environment frameworks. Adoption to DevOps enables a culture of response and innovation. It helps in creating an environment of agility, with quick turn arounds to the tasks in-hand.
Course Content
- Introduction SCM
- SVN Introduction
- SVN Configuration
- Configure repository
- Creating a usage model
- Basic Subversion Usage
- Checkout
- Commit
- checking log, history
- Planning and implementing a branching strategy
- Creating branch types
- Automating configuration specification usage
- SVN User Management
- Creating User
- Managing groups
- Creating and implanting project policies
- SVN Administration
- Starting SVN repo
- Stopping SVN repo
- GIT introduction
- Installation and Set up
- GIT Configuration with repositories
- GIT Commands usage
- Add
- commit
- diff
- move
- rename
- GIT Staging concepts
- Working with GIT remote repositories – Push, Pull in GIT
- Branching , Merging , Tagging , Stashing in GIT
- GIT Common Mistakes and Troubleshooting GIT
- Build Automation using Maven
Introduction of Maven - Maven Installation
- Over view of Java J2EE Projects structure
- Creating First Maven Project
Maven Goals and implementation - Explain what is repository and types of it.
- Maven Build Life Cycle ( Per Project, Per User, Global)
- Create tomcat web-based project
- What are Maven Dependencies and practices
- What are Maven Plug-ins and examples
- What are Maven Profiles and how useful as part of build phase.
- Modules (Sub projects)
- How to manage Properties
- Explain about SCM and Distribution (repository) details setup on settings.xm
- Continuous Integration (CI) with Jenkins
- The role of Continuous Integration in an agile enterprise
- What are the components of a CI Framework
- How do you set up a CI Framework in your company
- Installation and configuration of Jenkins
- Creating Jobs with Jenkins
- Understanding Plug-ins
- Post Build Activities in Jenkins
- Master-Slave nodes in Jenkins
- Auto Deployments on Jenkins
- Ant and Maven based builds on Jenkins
- Build Automation of Java J2ee Project with Subversion , ANT , Tomcat all together run by Jenkins
- Security settings in Jenkins
- Build Automation of web application with GIT, Maven, Tomcat with Jenkins.
- Artifactory(JFrog) / Maven Artifactory
- Introduction to Arttifactory
Configuration - Source Control configuration
- Modules / jars setup
- Managing Applications binaries
- Administration
- Stopping
- Starting
- Disk space allocations
- Backup
- Shell / Bash Scripting
- Introduction to Linux operation system
- Basic day to day commands
- Profile setup
- Alias creation
- Script programming
- Auto jobs scheduling
- Java with Tomcat
- Introduction to Java
- How java works
- Setting up class path
- Configuring Eclipse
- Creating Jar
- Creating war
- Deploying jar / war file
- Tomcat Administration
- Deploying binaries
- Starting Server
- Stopping Server
- Managing Ports
- How server works
- AWS ( Amazon Web Services)
- Instruction to AWS
- Types of Cloud architectures and its advantages
- How AWS Works
- Identity Access Management
- Creating Users and Granting project specific permissions
- Cloud Front Overview
- Creating EC2 Instance and monitoring with Cloud Watch
- How Auto Scaling works depends on the server’s utilization and adding or removing EC2 instances from AWS EC2 servers pool.
- Creating EC2 Instances and taking Snapshots and re-applying snapshots
- Creating AMI Images
- Creating Load Balancer and Distributing traffic for Fail over
- AMI: Securing and Administrating AWS users / groups / Policies.
- S3 Bucket
- AWS Command Line interface.
- AWS Auto Scaling
- Vagrant:
- What is Vagrant
- Virtualization Overview
- Installation of Virtual box and Vagrant
- Creating Vagrant Images
- Creating Vagrant File
- Vagrant Box Management
- Vagrant Network / Connectivity
- Vagrant Provisioning
- Vagrant Private / Public
- Networking
- Puppet
- Puppet Overview
- Puppet Architecture
- Puppet Master and Agents
- Installation
- Creating Manifest
- Managing Puppet Resources
- Puppet Group Classification
- Creating custom Puppet Factors
- Managing configuration files with Puppet Classes
- Puppet Hiera Lookup and processing environment specific configuration files.
Data Science is used to analyze historical and current information to build predictive modeling by organisations. A data scientist examines business challenges and help clients overcome them. Data Scientists have business knowledge, analytical skills as well as the ability to mine, clean, and present Data.
Course Content
- What is machine learning?
- Algorithm types of Machine learning
- Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
- Uses of Machine learning
- Planning for ML techniques
- Data exploration
- Missing value imputation
- Outlier detection
- Data transformation
- Sampling for modelling and validation
- Basics of Data visualization
- Clustering for unsupervised learning
- K means
- Distance Measure and Data Preparation
- Scaling & Weighting
- Introduction to classification algorithms
- Linear regression
- Logistic regression
- Decision Tree
- Random forest
- Support vector machine
- Neural Network
- Pyhton-1a-Basics
- Pyhton-1b-FlowStructures
- Pyhton-2-strings
- Pyhton-3-Tuples
- Pyhton-4-Dictionaries
- Pyhton-5-Lists
- Pyhton-6-Functions
- Pyhton-10-Exception-Handling
- Python-7-FileHandling Pyhton-8-9-Advanced-Python-OOPs
- Statistics
- Hypothesis testing
- Pyhton-8-9-Advanced-Python-OOPs
- Statistics
- Hypothesis testing
ETL is the acronym for Extract, Transform and Load. The process begins with extracting data or the information from source, Transforming data by applying Business rules, Logics, Filter criteria, etc. and, loading it to a target source or loading to the Data Warehouse.
Course Content
- What is ETL? Why we need an ETL tool?
- Power center Clients components overview
- Designer
- Workflow Manager
- Repository Manager
- Workflow Monitor
- How to configure domain and add repositories
- Working with Designer
- Source Objects
- How to create source objects
- How to import source objects
- Create or import Relational/ application/Flat files (delimited/fixed width) as source
- Target Objects
- How to create Target objects
- How to import Target objects
- Create or import Relational/ application/Flat files (delimited/fixed width) as target
- Transformations
- Aggregator
- Expression
- Filter
- Joiner (normal/Master outer/Detail outer/Full outer)
- Lookup (connected/Unconnected/cached/Un cached/static/dynamic)
- Normalizer
- Rank
- Router
- Sequence Generator
- Sorter
- Source Qualifier
- Stored Procedure
- Union
- Update Strategy
- Working with mapplets
- Working with mappings
- Live demo for mappings with each transformation mentioned above
- Mapping with multiple pipelines (Target Load Plan)
- Mapping with multiple sources and targets (Parent child relation)
- Working with mapping parameters/variables
- Working with reusable/non-reusable functions/transformations
- Working with workflow manager Tasks
- Sessions
- Command Task
- Email Task
- Event Wait
- Event Raise
- Timer
- Decision
- Control
- Link (with conditions)
- Working with worklets
- Working with workflows
- Create workflows with multiple tasks mentioned above
- Test workflows with relational/application/flat file source or target connections
- Work with remote files with FTP
- Create jobs with partitioning
- Create connections
- Relational (Oracle/ODBC)
- Application
- Working with parameter files
- Session/workflow parameter files
- Static/dynamic parameter files
- Parameterizing connections and other session properties
- Working with Repository Manager
- How to create deployment groups (static/dynamic)
- How to migrate the code from one env to another environment
- How to see the object run history
- How to create folders in PowerCenter
- How to change password
- Working with object versions (check in /checkout/ purge/ compare)
- How to look for an object in the repository (search based on criteria)
- Run workflows manually or schedule
- Monitor jobs in progress
- Monitor the jobs in progress (Task /Gantt chart)
- Re run from monitor
- Abort jobs in progress from monitor
- Checking run properties and data statistics
- Checking logs (session/workflow) for trouble shooting
- Trouble shooting and identifying bottlenecks. Debugging mappings.
- Performance improvement steps
- Filter unwanted data
- Sorting before an active transformation where applicable
- Dealing with cache files
- Bulk vs normal loads
- Full vs incremental data loads
- Partitioning/Pushdown optimization
- Join rather than lookup based on data volume
- Best Practices
- Informatica architecture
- Oracle SQL/PLSQL Tutorial:
- What is Oracle and relational databases?
- SQL Statements
- Data Retrieval
- Data manipulation
- Data Definition
- Transaction control
- Data control
- Selection vs projection
- Schema Objects
- Tables
- Views
- Indexes
- Sequences
- Synonyms
- Constraints
- Materialized views
- Functions
- Stored procedures
- Database triggers
- Packages
- Data types
- Character Data types
- Numeric Data types
- Date/Time Data types
- Large Object Data types
- ROWID Data types
- Constraints
- Check
- Not NULL
- Primary key
- Unique
- Foreign Key
- Functions
- Row level
- Aggregate
- Joins
- Normal (Equi/Non equi)
- Left outer
- Right outer
- Full outer
- Demo on following tasks
- Creating schema objects mentioned above
- Alter the created objects
- Working with functions/stored procedures/packages/triggers
- Performance tuning (explain plan, with indexes)
- Data Warehouse Concepts:
- What is Data Warehousing?
- Difference between Facts/Dimensions.
- Different types of Dimensions
- Confirmed
- Junk
- Degenerate
- Slowly changing types -1,2,3
- Dimension modeling
- Star
- Snowflake
- Fact constellation
- Data Mart
- Unix Concepts:
- Basic Unix commands
- ls with parameters
- cat
- more
- cd
- cp
- rm
- mv
- diff
- chmod
- mkdir
- rmdir
- pwd
- who
- cut
- grep
- sed
- du
- df
- su (switch user)
- date
- man
- clear
- How to write a shell script
- Script to FTP files
- Script to work with informatica pre and post session command utility
MuleSoft provides exceptional business agility to companies by connecting Applications, Data, and Devices, both on-premises and in the cloud with an API-led approach. By leveraging Anypoint Platform, companies can re-architect their SOA infrastructure from legacy systems, proprietary platforms, and custom integration code to create business agility.
Course Content
- What is an integration?
- What is tool?
- What is digital transformation?
- Why MuleSoft
- What is SOA
- What is ESB
- Pre –requisite – Mule Version 3x/4x
- Java 8
- Anypoint Studio version 6x/7x
- Postman
- Soap UI
- Types of integration
- What are Flows
- Message/Payload
- Message Structure
- Anypoint Studio installation/Overview
- Types of integration with MuleSoft
- Connector introduction
- Component introduction
- Message Filter
- Message Scopes
- Transformer
- Simple Hello World Example
- Application debugging
- Application deployment
- Application testing through postman
- Variable
- Logger
- Set Payload
- File connector introduction and exercise
- Database connector introduction
- Database installation and connector configuration
- Database operation exercise
- Data weave Introduction
- Transformation
- Json to Xml transformation
- Data weave Language
- Data weave operations
- Anypoint platform
- Anypoint exchange
- Runtime Manager
- Mule server
- Cloudhub
- API portal
- API introduction
- Web services introduction
- Rest API
- Raml Design
- Raml project creation
- Api deployment -- Mule esb server
- Api deployment -- Cloudhub
- Api portal
- Api exchange
- Api policies
- Exception Handling
- Types of exception
- mUnit
- Comparison
- Migration
- Key features
- What has changed
- Design center
SAS is a platform-independent which can be run on any operating system either Linux or Windows. It is a software suite which allows users to perform advanced analysis, Business Intelligence, Predictive Analysis, data management to operate effectively in the competitive and changing business conditions.
Course Content
- Essentials
- navigate the SAS Studio programming environment
- navigate the SAS Enterprise Guide programming environment
- navigate the SAS windowing environment
- read various types of data into SAS data sets
- create SAS variables and subset data
- combine SAS data sets
- create and enhance listing and summary reports
- validate SAS data sets.
- Data Manipulation Techniques
- control SAS data set input and output
- combine SAS data sets
- summarize, read, and write different types of data
- perform DO loop and SAS array processing
- transform character, numeric, and date variables
- Advanced programming Techniques
- Macro programming, Macro Variables
- Using SQL for regular SAS code
- SAS report writing essentials
- Introduction to Clinical SAS
- Introduction to Clinical terminology and procedures
- SDTM and ADaM Introduction
- CDISC programming Techniques
- Tables , Listings and Figure programming and reporting
Java is one of the widely used computer languages. Java is a robust, secure, and stable programming language. Some of the most popular platforms using Java are Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris OS, and mac OS.
Course Content
- Java Language
- Fundamentals: Java , JRE , JDK , JVM Concepts
- Creating a Simple Application
- Variables
- Data Types
- String Class
- String Equality
- String Representation of Non-string Values
- Creating Jar Files(Command Prompt and
- Eclipse with manifest)
- Operators
- Conditional and Iteration Logic
- Arrays
- Arrays
- For-each Loop
- Working with Packages
- Introduction
- What Is a Package?
- Packages Create a Namespace
- Determining a Type's Package
- Packages Provide Access Boundaries
- Representing Complex Types with Classes
- Introduction
- Classes
- Using Classes
- Encapsulation and Access Modifiers
- Method Basics
- Exiting from a Method
- Method Return Values
- Static Members
- Static Initialization Blocks
- Field Encapsulation, Acessors, and Mutators
- Overloading
- Class Initializers and Constructors
- Introduction
- Establishing Initial State
- Field Initial State and Initializers
- Constructor and Adding Multiple
- Constructors (Overloading)
- Chaining Constructors and Constructor Visibility
- Initialization Blocks
- Initialization and Construction Order
- Object Oriented Programming using Java
- Class Inheritance
- Introduction
- Inheritance Basics and Typed References
- Member Hiding and Overriding
- Object Class
- Equality
- Special Reference: Super
- Using Final and Abstract
- Inheritance and Constructors
- Creating Abstract Relationships with Interfaces
- Introduction
- Introducing Interfaces & Implementing an
- Interface
- Implementing a Generic Interface
- Implementing Multiple Interfaces
- Declaring an Interface
- Java Fundamentals: The Core Platform
- More about Data Types
- Introduction
- String Builder Class
- Primitive Wrapper Classes and Type Conversions
- Using Primitive Wrapper Classes
- Wrapper Class Equality
- Final Fields and Enumeration Types
- Inner Class Types, and Anonymous Classes
- Introduction
- Inner Classes
- Anonymous Classes
- String Formatting
- Introduction
- More Powerful Solutions to Creating String Representations
- Introduction
- Using Annotations
- Declaring Annotations
- Accessing Annotations
- Annotation Target and Retention
- A Closer Look at Elements
- Exception Handling
- Introduction
- Error Handling with Exceptions
- Handling Exceptions by Type
- Exceptions and Methods
- Throwing Exceptions and Custom Exceptions
- Multi-Threading Basics
- Introduction
- A Quick Look at the Basics
- The Move to Multithreading
- Java Threading Foundation
- Thread Pools
- Creating a Closer Relationship Between
- Thread Tasks
- Concurrency Issues
- Coordinating Method Access
- Manual Synchronization
- Manually Synchronized Code
- More Concurrency-related Types
- Summary
- Java Collection Framework
- What Are Collections and Why Use Them?
- Introduction
- The Problem with Arrays
- Why You Should Use Collections
- Defining and Iterating Collections
- Introduction
- Collection of Collections
- Collection Behaviors
- Collections with Iteration Order: Lists and Set
- Introduction
- Key Features
- Coding with Lists
- Collection with Uniqueness: Sets
- Introduction
- Set Implementations
- SortedSet and NavigableSet
- Sorting Techniques with Comparable and Comparator interface
- Collections of Pairs: Maps
- Introduction
- Why Use a Map?
- Views Over Maps
- Sorted and Navigable Map
- Mutable HashMap Keys
- Summary
- Web Development
- Introduction to Servlet Technology
- Brief Introduction on J2EE Architecture
- Architecture of Servlets
- Servlets Life Cycle
Quality Assurance (QA) analyst plays a critical role in IT, whether it's testing application performance, user experience or functionality behavior it has to go through QA Approval before getting deployed in production. QA's are critical components of the SDLC process as they oversee the entire end to end process.
Course Content
- Introduction and Purpose of the Validation
- Types of Validation
- Equipment Validation
- Cleaning Validation
- Process Validation
- Computer System Validation
- GxP Controls
- Worldwide Regulatory Bodies
- Change Controls
- Design documents
- User Requirements and Functional Requirements
- Project Plan
- Validation plan
- Data Migration Plan
- Installation and Deployments
- Traceability, Gap Analysis
- Validation Summary reports
- Go live and Hypercare
Business analyst acts as a liaison between IT and the Business. BA gather requirements from Business or key stakeholders, and documents in a standard template called Business requirements document or similar. BA also translates high-level business requirements into techno-functional requirements which developers would need for their development efforts.
Course Content
- Introduction to BA
- Business Analysis Overview & origin.
- What is Business Analysis & Who is a Business Analyst (Functions)
- Types of IT companies.
- IT hierarchy
- Stake Holders and types of Stake holders.
- Business Analyst Prerequisites
- Roles and Responsibilities of a BA
- Do’s and Don’ts. Of a BA.
- Problems faced by a BA with stakeholders in gathering requirements.
- Stages in Business Analysis
PHP is an intuitive, server-side scripting language. It allows developers to build logic into the creation of web page content and handle data returned from a web browser. PHP also contains several extensions that ease interaction with the database and for extracting data to be displayed on a web page and for storing information entered by a requestor to be back into the database
Course Content
- PHP Basics
- Functions
- String and Patterns
- Arrays
- I/O
- Security
- Databases
- Object Oriented Programming
- Data Formats & Types
- Web Features